"Every Frog Has His Day"
album _The Raven_
(Lou Reed, 2003)

written by Lou Reed


        Oh mellifluous dwarf
        prince of all the jesters
        Funny little thing you are
        Make me laugh
        As God's voluminous star

Hop Frog:

        Gracious majesty
        Today is not made for laughter day
        This moment sacred is more for royal sunsets
        Then comic ruin or suicidal jests


        I'll be the judge of that thank you
        Make me laugh le petite cur
        Drink some wine
        Lest you foul sweet time

Hop Frog:

        Drink upsets me
        please your liege
        This would mark the death me


        I said drink you scabrous whore
        Are you deaf as well as short?


        Kingdom's Sire
        big as you are
        Save such
        bile for larger foes


        Make me laugh
        'Fore I stretch your neck like a giraffe

transcribed by Shiroh KOUCHI (wildside@mx21.tiki.ne.jp)