"N.Y. Stars"
album _Sally Can't Dance_
(Lou Reed, 1974)

written by Lou Reed

        The stock is empty
        in our eyeball store
        All we got left
        a few cataracts and sores
        The faggot mimic machine
        never had ideas
        Mission impossible
        they self-destruct on fear

        On a standard New York night
        ghouls go to see their so-called stars
        A fairly stupid thing
        to pay five bucks for fourth-rate imitators

        They say, "I'm so empty
        no surface, no depth
        Oh please can't I be you
        your personality's so great"

        Like new buildings
        square, tall and the same
        Sorry, Miss Stupid
        didn't know, you didn't know it's a game
        I'm just waiting
        for them to hurry up and die
        It's really getting too crowded here
        help your New York Stars

        Contributions accepted all the same
        We need a new people store
        remember we're very good at games

intro   {G}{F}{D#/C}{G}

        {G}{F}{D#/C}{G}     (The stock is empty ...)
        {G}{F}{D#/C}{G}     (All we got left ...)
        {G}{F}{D#/C}{G}     (The faggot mimic machine ...)
        {G}{F}{D#/C}{G}     (Mission impossible ...)

        {Em}{D}{A}{Em}      (On a standard New York night ...)
        {Em}{D}{A/A.G}{E}   (A fairly stupid thing ...)

        {G}{F}{D#/C}{G}     (They say, -)

        {G}{F}{D#/C}{G}     (- "I'm so empty, no surface, ...)
        {G}{F}{D#/C}{G}     (Oh please can't I be you ...)
        {G}{F}{D#/C}{G}     (Like new buildings ...)
        {G}{F}{D#/C}{G}     (Sorry, Miss Stupid ...)
        {G}{F}{D#/C}{G}     (I'm just waiting ...)
        {G}{F}{D#/C}{G}     (It's really getting to crowded ...)

        {Em}{D}{A}{Em}      (Contributions accepted all the same)
        {Em}{D}{A/A.G}{E}   (We need a new people store ...)

guitar  {G}{F}{D#/C}{G}

g.solo  {G}{F}{D#/C}{G}
        ... repeat and fade out

* intro and riff

     {G}                     {F}
 1e -------------------------------------------
 2B -------------------------------------------
 3G -------------------------------------------
 4D -----------5----5----------------3----3----
 5A -------------------------------------------
 6E --2/3v--x-----3---3-x---0h1v--x-----1---1--

 {D#          / C}           {G}

 {G}                     {F}

 {D#          / C}       {G}

* chorus

                On a standard New York night
     {Em}                 {D}
 1e -------0--2-3----------------------------
 2B -------0--2-3---------------7--6-5v------
 3G ----------------------(2)---7--6-5v------
 4D -(2)------------------(0)----------------
 5A -(2)------------------(0)----------------
 6E -(0)-------------------------------------

 ghouls go to see their so-called stars
 {A}                   {Em}

            A fairly stupid thing
 {Em}                 {D}

to pay five bucks for fourth-rate imitators
 {A     / A . G} {E}

*** please note ***

h - hammer on
p - pull off
b - bend string up
r - release bend
/ - slide up
\ - slide down
v - vibrato
^ - harmonics

thanks: Jose Alberto (brooklyn@usuarios.retecal.es)

line 06: .... to pay five bucks for a 4th rate imitators

transcribed by Shiroh KOUCHI (wildside@mx21.tiki.ne.jp)