"Science Of The Mind"
album _The Raven_
(Lou Reed, 2003)

written by Lou Reed

        In the science of the mind
        there is no forgiving
        Paralyzed I lay here sleeping
        quiet as a little child

        Heart starts beating, blood rushing pounding
        moving quiet as a little lamb
        In the science of the mind
        limbs are bound devoid of movement

        The injuries we do in kind
        are visited upon us often
        In the science of the mind
        trying hard to move a shadow

        Don't bury me I'm still alive
        the science of the mind unyielding
        The science of the mind unyielding
        the science of the mind unyielding

        {G}{G}{Am}{Am}     (In the science of the mind ...)
        {G}{G}{Am}{Am}     (Paralyzed I lay here sleeping ...)

        {G}{G}{Am}{Am}     (Heart starts beating, blood rushing ...)
        {G}{G}{Am}{Am}     (In the science of the mind ...)

        {G}{G}{Am}{Am}     (The injuries we do in kind ...)
        {G}{G}{Am}{Am}     (In the science of the mind ...)

        {G}{G}{Am}{Am}     (- bury me I'm still alive ...)
        {Am}{Am}{Am}{Am}   (- science of the mind unyielding ...)
        {G...              (-ding)

"In The Science Of The Mind"
from the play _POEtry_
(Robert Wilson/Lou Reed, 2000)

written by Lou Reed

performed by actors, local musicians (?)

May 09, 2001
Muziek Theater, Amsterdam, Holland

        In the science of the mind
        there is no forgiving
        Paralyzed I lay here sleeping
        quiet as a little child

        Heart starts beating, blood rushing pounding
        moving quiet as a little lamb
        In the science of the mind
        limbs are bound devoid of movement

        Injuries we do in kind
        are visited upon us often
        In the science of the mind
        trying hard to move a shadow

        Don't bury me I'm still alive
        the science of the mind unyielding
        The science of the mind unyielding
        the science of the mind unyielding

        {G}{G}{Am}{Am}     (In the science of the mind ...)
        {G}{G}{Am}{Am}     (Paralyzed I lay here sleeping ...)

        {G}{G}{Am}{Am}     (Heart starts beating, blood rushing ...)
        {G}{G}{Am}{Am}     (In the science of the mind ...)

        {G}{G}{Am}{Am}     (Injuries we do in kind ...)
        {G}{G}{Am}{Am}     (In the science of the mind ...)

        {G}{G}{Am}{Am}     (- bury me I'm still alive ...)
        {Am}{Am}{Am}{Am}   (- science of the mind unyielding ...)
        {G...              (-ding)

transcribed by Shiroh KOUCHI (wildside@mx21.tiki.ne.jp)